Hey ESB,
I am in the process of ending a relationship. It was great, until I realized he's a total player and the connection I thought we had was really just my imagination. The sex was amazing, but I have learned the hard way that physical chemistry can be deceptive. Just because his hands knew just how to touch me, his arms just how to squeeze me hello, and his huge dick how to give me multiple orgasms doesn't mean it was done with care. It just means he knows the right moves. And he's using them on a handful of other girls on the nights I'm not with him.
I have long hair (below boob length), which I know is a turn on for most guys, and especially for this dude. He made me feel so potent and sexy, and I think I kept it long for that reason. I've been wanting to cut my hair since before I met him. It seems like now is the time to go for the messy, dirty, I don't give a fuck bob I've been craving. But I hate to admit... part of me worries about not being bangable with short hair.
I know I need to "own it" and that confidence is sexy, but come on, confidence is fickle. I also know hair grows back, but that always takes forever. What if I cut my hair short and look like Lena Dunham on a bad day (but without her sense of humor)? What if I look like a soccer mom? Why do I feel tied to some male expectation of sexy?
I am so ready for a change. Help convince me to say fuck it and just do it. And if you have any other tips, I welcome them with open arms.
But do it! Cut it! Cut your hair!
Cut it just to prove to yourself that you are damn sexy with WHATEVER HAIR YOU PLEASE
1. Cut your hair.
2. Buy a killer pair of jeans.
3. Go read The New Yorker at a hotel bar and allow some lonely gentleman to buy you a martini.
4. Go home alone, feeling smug.
4a. Or not! Get on tinder and find yourself some strange!
Great, now I want a bob. (Alexis, are you reading? Should we give me #3?)
Photo: Claudia Knoepfel and Stefan Indlekofer