Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Self-Wedding In-A-Box !!!

I don't even know how to begin making fun of this.

But I want you to know that Jeffrey & Bonnie want you to know that the Self-Wedding In-A-Box makes the ultimate wedding party favor.

About 2 ½ years ago we had a backyard wedding BUT with a twist. We wrote special vows for our guests and made 120 sterling silver rings and after our ceremony was over, we married our guests to themselves. The day, the occasion was about celebration and love and we wanted our friends to feel what we were feeling. Guests keep telling us even now, "I haven't taken my ring off since your wedding." "It holds so much meaning for me!", "It reminds me every day that I'm special."

This is the kind of shit that gives California a bad name.


  1. Honestly it seems like it gives the whole institute of marriage a bad name.

    This seems super pretentious and presumptuous. Both great words, but terrible attitudes. Christ, and here I was feeling guilty for just asking people to come to my wedding. At least I didn't ask them to marry themselves!

  2. This is EXACTLY the kind of shit that gives California/Californians a bad name. Psuedo-spiritual self-aware bullshit.

    1. I'd roll with it. I'm sitting in Texas right now. Ted Cruz is our fault, and so is Rick Perry (I could go on).

      Take what you can get.

  3. Forced mass marriage? Was there Kool-Aid involved?

  4. I once went on drunken ramble about how the band YACHT should officiate weddings - marrying the two people to themselves respectively, then to each other, then to everyone else in attendance and then orgy consummation with glitter lube afterwards. But this works too.

    1. I would participate in that only if the touring band & Rob Keiswetter were there. Good god he's sexy.

  5. My favorite line: Inner peace makes for more balanced citizens and more compassionate communities. Save the planet!

  6. sounds like someone got high, watched carrie marry herself on sex and the city, and decided it was somehow empowering

    1. the episode where carrie throws her own engagement party and registers for shoes is the only one i've ever watched all the way through. pure gold.

    2. That actually sounds like a perfect afternoon. I think I'll actually go do that right now, do you think that episode is available on Netflix?

  7. save the planet! buy more disposable shit and mined, forgettable metal! she's a wedding planner and he's a jeweler?! whatever. consume it all.

  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-marriage

    Because who doesn't want to become one's own lover, best friend, and PARENT/CHILD?????

  9. This blows. You've really let yourself go. I want a divorce.

  10. *blinks. stunned. in California*

  11. Leslie Mann's character in The Bling Ring was behind this box.


  12. Reading the site, it does just comes across as an elaborate way to sell rings.

  13. Each kit costs $42?! No way would I give that as a party favor...

  14. i cannot believe this is real! as if we need any more self-obsessed jerks around. try doing something for someone ELSE. My god- what an insight into the totally ego-centric culture we have become.

    also, "a New Yorker who was raised in Houston" is SOMEONE FROM HOUSTON, ok?

    -from a New Yorker raised in New York

    1. seriously! i am not even from ny and this annoyed the shit out of me.

    2. I visited Brooklyn once and got the hang of the accent real fast. That counts as Brooklynite, right? Because that's what I've been telling everyone...

  15. Totally unrelated, but I saw this wedding on my (awesome) photographer's blog and thought it was ESB-esque/badass. Tacos! Casually really good-looking people!

    (It's not my own wedding, I promise)

    1. Hey Sonny, which blog did you find this wedding on?

  16. Self-wedding in a box may work for some people. I love the idea of giving your guest silver rings and made a commitment with them as well... it's a very thoughtful act!

  17. I got this press release yesterday too and I HAD to tweet about it. It made me laugh out loud!

  18. So condescending. We want you to feel what we're feeling? Ew, everyone feels love and commitment in different ways. This sort of epitomizes my favorite argument against favors-- your guests aren't kids (well, most of them) and they don't need a conciliation prize for not being the center of attention for the evening. (Not to start a conversation about favors in general-they're lovely, but that argument made so much sense to me.)

    1. *consolation prize, that is :)

  19. I agree with Micha about the "thoughtful act of it"... I think a lot of people would appreciate the sentiment.

  20. I also agree with Micha. Sharing positivity is never a bad idea and they come across genuine.

  21. In California's defense these two are not natives.
