Friday, December 21, 2012

What to wear on NYE?

(No, not this.)

Hey ESB,

Was teetering between possible escape-Manhattan NYE travel destinations when I stumbled upon your Oct 10 post outlining things to do around Montreal. Anna's city outline totally convinced me, and by proxie my handful of mid-twenty something Manhattanite girl friends, to hoof it to Montreal.

Now that we have a December 31st where (thank you!), we're still lacking a what (and wear), and would be so grateful if you could share a few recommendations as to what there is to do in Montreal to ring in the New Year?

As for wear, I'm thinking a DIY sequined parka isn't going to cut it in terms of NYE garb... how do the women of Canada stay chic in the sub arctic winter temps?


How do the woman of Canada stay chic...? implies that they were chic to begin with.

Ladyfriend, I spend yesterday tromping around Courtenay, BC (which is nowhere near as cold as Montreal) in a pair of Walmart gumboots. AND I WAS NOT ASHAMED.

So, yah. Don't sweat the what-to-wear. As for the what-to-do… Can anyone help these Manhattan ladies out?


  1. Hey! Montrealers are just as chic as any New Yorker!

    That said - the early forecast puts NYE at around -6 to -10 and clear (though this can change in a heartbeat) so plan on dressing up and throwing on a nice long parka over it. Take a cab = no boots required.

    As for what to do - Old Montreal is the place to be. There are many places hosting NYE parties. You have close proximity to the Old Port for fireworks at midnight if that's your thing. Other ideas likely to be found here:

    Wish I had more options/ideas for you, but I still don't even know what I am doing this NYE.

    Just do me a favour, don't be a tourist - AVOID CRESCENT STREET.

  2. Yeah, BC is NOT Montreal, fashion-wise...

  3. Yeah, ESB, because it's really cool to insult an entire country's population of women.

  4. Montreal women are alarmingly chic at all times, including in -20. I wish I could give you advice but I am firmly in the non-chic minority. That said, my coat is VERY WARM.

  5. Them's fighting words! Also, Courtenay BC is a small town of like 25K people - that would be like saying "Oh, there's no FASHION in Flint, Michigan. THOSE POOR AMERICAN STYLE-LESS BASTARDS."

    Anyhoo, Montreal is generally quite cold that time of year, but a great wool coat should help you out - maybe something like this? Bare legs are a serious no, and be prepared for snow - no open-toed shoes. Montreal has a bustling beer-bar scene, where each bar will brew their own, and they're worth sampling (and are quite strong - none of that 4% US "beer").

    Montreal is actually quite stylish, so if you should show up anywhere in that heinous sparkly parka, be prepared to be laughed at.

  6. You've outraged the Canadians, esb!!

  7. IDK I think the parka is fine if you can find a way to be warm enough under it. Isn't part on NYE getting to dress a bit over-the-top? If you like it and feel good in it wear it. Just make sure your outfit doesn't suck so all the fashionable people won't get a chance to make fun of you twice.

  8. Canadians can be quite fashionable. What a dumb/disrespectful answer to this question. That being said, I live in the desert and have no idea. Good luck lady and good on you for not letting inclement weather stand in your way of good taste.

  9. Why don't you just get a fabulous fur coat?

  10. ESB, what the hell were you doing in Courtenay?
    The women of Canada stay warm in fur, preferably vintage.

    1. buying gumboots at walmart, mostly.

    2. @lauren my second time ever in a walmart. you'd better believe i kicked and screamed.

  11. awwwww hey now. i am both Canadian and stylish as all get out. we're a BIG country; don't judge us on some silly little town in BC of all places.

  12. Having lived in Montreal for 5 years, I am going to have to be a real Debbie Downer about that sweet sequin jacket: you will FREEZE YOUR ASS OFF. Perhaps if you wear a thin layer of merino long underwear it would be manageable. Also, Montrealers are some of the most stylish folks around, especially in the Mile End!

  13. peoplefriends, NOBODY is recommending a sequin parka. not for montreal or anywhere else.

  14. Thank GOD. I was too full on Turkey, and generally too lazy, to see the fine print.

  15. Dude, I grew up in Courtenay! Why the eff were you there?!!

  16. Do you realize how LUCKY you are to have an excuse to buy vintage fur?!?!?

  17. sequined parka= HA.
    we just got a record snowfall (48cm and counting) and a lot of the streets haven't been cleared yet.
    as for things to do, as someone said above, AVOID crescent street. the old port can be nice but i would find a specific place to go as a lot of the parties fill up and bar hopping in -20 sounds frightening.
    lower st laurent (from roughly sherbrooke to mount royal) can be ok if you avoid the crazy line ups. blizzarts, korova and tokyo are usually good.
    good luck!
