Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Folkie Big Sur Wedding (Circa 1968)

A reader just hipped me to these photos, which I promptly swiped off flickr.

The geeeeeeeorgeous bride with the bangs is Mimi Fariña, and that beaming bridesmaid in the stripes is her big sister, Joan Baez.

Mimi married Milan Melvin at the Esalen Institute (which, incidentally, is where we were supposed to go hot-tubbing when we were in Big Sur) on the opening morning of the 1968 Big Sur Folk Festival.

I'd like to imagine she wore that flower crown all day long.....


  1. of *course* it's Joan Baez's sister.... god that's awesome.

  2. I COULD JUST DIE. Little Baez was unfairly beautiful.

  3. Fuck Yeah Joan Baez (and Mimi)

    incidentally this always breaks my heart a little.

  4. I am literally dying. Why is this not my wedding? Oh wait. Because I was born too late.

  5. Gorgeous!

    Perhaps this cocktail recipe based on what Jack Kerouac drank when he was hanging out in his friend’s cabin in Big Sur just a few years before this wedding took place would be a good fit for a signature cocktail.

  6. So pretty! Funny how they are so vintage but also so current.

  7. these pictures make me so excited for our Nevada California roadtrip honeymoon.

  8. What beauties. All of them.
