Monday, October 29, 2012

Do I have the product for you!

If you liked the Cuppow, you will loooooooove Vino2Go!

Though I have to admit, I'm a little confused. Is the wine glass built in, or is this just a jar you put your wine glass in? And, if so, could you put a martini glass in it instead??

(I will spare you the story about the time I tried to sneak a martini into the movie theater. In my tote bag.)

Via Kate Arends


  1. The wine glass is built in ("This BPA-free durable drinkware has a familiar wine glass shape") and is not glass at all, but plastic. I would hate to drink wine out of that, but it would be a fun way to sneak a drink into a movie theater.

    1. yes, not the classiest way to drink wine... besides you are supposed to aerate the wine which is why the glass is shaped a certain way and you swirl the wine, with this you might as well bring the goon from a box of wine in your bag.

    2. When we saw Twilight Part 4 on opening night (I know), we did exactly that- took the pouch of a box of wine out of the box, brought solo cups, and went to town. I don't remember much of the movie, but it was a pretty enjoyable evening. Keepin' it classy here in NYC.

  2. Sneaking fancy drinks into movies (especially guilty pleasure girly movies with your girlfriends) is the best. Nalgene with your favorite mixed beverage... or tiny wine bottles with cups similar to the theater cups also works swimmingly!

  3. Thermoses are essential for sneaking fancy dranks into movie theaters. Just FYI.

  4. I just opt for bottles of beer and a bottle opener.

    1. Just time your opening for a loud moment in the movie.

  5. I'll stick to the Franzia bag in my purse. I might be redneck.

  6. Yeah, cause a regular cup just wouldn't do... we need twice the plastic!

  7. My mother-in-law once brought a tupperware container filled with tequila to a Mexican restaurant. The margaritas weren't strong enough for her liking.

  8. Last week I saw a demented patient who hoards food - including pouring soup into her handbag!

  9. I actually think this is a great product for wine-on-the-go!

    How neat is that?
