Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Art of Bangs
Soooooooo. I started to write up a Resolutions for 2012 post.........
I got as far as "I will learn how to trim my own bangs..." (C'mon. Erin Featherston trims her own bangs every morning. How hard can it be?)
But then my resolutions got all serious/depressing and I made the mistake of asking H for his opinion and we got in this big stupid fight in the middle of the Phoenix airport about whether I'm wasting my time trying to quit drinking coffee and/or whiskey every other month (I think it's helping, he thinks I'm nuts) and whether or not I should go back to the neurologist (NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGH).
I'm harboring this cracked little California dream that I can cure my headaches with organic food + hot yoga. REMEMBER MY RESOLUTIONS FOR 2010? I had no idea I was heading here, I swear to you.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now you all think I'm a crazy person.
happy new year, you guys!!
Photo: Erin Fetherston by Vanessa Jackman
Posted by esb at
10:15 PM
erin fetherston,
hair issues,

The Art of Bangs
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It's never too late to change. There might be a link between nutrition and headaches, it's worth exploring. Happy new year ESB.
ReplyDeleteI think resolutions are an awful idea. They make you think about all the shit you aren't perfect at, then either get sad about it right away, or else get all gung ho about IMPROVING (as if SOMEHOW this time everything will be different) and then get even more sad later when you don't necessarily succeed. It's a big, fat, shoot-yerself-in-the-foot situation disguised as being proactive.
ReplyDeleteThat's why my resolutions this season are things like "wear eyeliner every day" and not "lose 19 pounds in 3 days and learn to like matcha."
@Rachel i'm halfway there on the bangs one already, so yay me!
ReplyDeletehappy new year, lady
ReplyDeleteTrimming your own bangs is such a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteI don't think your crazy. I try to cure all of my problems with healthy eating and vitamins etc. Sometimes it works, sometimes- well I'm not sure that I always do it right. Good luck with it all, and I hope that 2012 is the year your headaches go away.
ReplyDeleteThat's why trimming one's own bangs is a high art, like pruning a bonsai. It stands in for all kinds of other shit. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteP.S. How uber-creepy is the Phoenix airport? Ick.
ReplyDeleteWent to a neurologist about my headaches .... he told me to try to cut-out all condiment-y things like ketchup, mustard, pickles, etc to see if it helped .. and it did.
ReplyDeleteHe also told me that super hot coffee actually helps a headache ...
I have also found that another trigger is when the barometric pressure changes/shifts when rain is coming (but somehow won't get here fast enough) ... just food for thought for you .....
While I don't have suggestions for the headaches, I do have something to offer on the bangs front.
ReplyDeleteI trim my own all the time. Surprisingly, I learned by watching YouTube videos (that black hole effect can actually be helpful sometimes!). The trick is to have someone trim them right the first time, then just maintain them. All you need is a fine-toothed comb, some bobby pins, and scissors. Style them normally, pin the top half up (so that you're trimming the underlying hairs first), and trim a little at a time by cutting upwards. The comb helps guide. Also, watch your stylist carefully when he/she works. I learned that my forehead makes my bangs lie weirdly if they're all cut the same length, which was the most helpful bit I could use.
Good luck! And I know that headaches can be a BITCH. It's worth trying ANYTHING to get rid of them!
First, this.
ReplyDeleteSecond, maybe you've heard this one before- high-fructose corn syrup is in everything, but if you can avoid it at all costs, the headaches might lessen! Also, drink lots of water every day. Your body might need a higher level of water than you're putting in.
I hope you guys are home safe and sound by now. I can think of nothing more stressful than trying to make up resolutions in an airport. What were you thinking?? If you're going to do them at all, they're best done while soaking in a hot bath alone- no input from anyone else! :)
No, avoid trimming your own bangs. Most good stylists will do bang toucch ups for free in-between regular visits.
ReplyDeleteAlso, please don't try to avoid the doctor/self medicate with home "rememdies". I have a brain tumour, and it was found after years of persistent headaches. Medical science, though hardly perfect, is very, very good (no matter what anyone tries to tell you) and you need to know what is going on with your body;it is probably trying to tell you something.
Good luck, keep blogging and happy New Year!
Something about New Year's Time makes me wig out, too. No judgements here. I can say I accomplished 1 of 7 resolutions from last lose 20 lbs by 1/1/12. Check. And the same thing that helped me helped my BF with his crippling headaches/migraines. He tried quitting coffee and drinking booze off and on. It never stuck and the headaches persisted. So, in July we switched to eating Paleo ( no grains/processed sugars). We drink lots of coffee and only certain alcohol (potato vodka/agave tequila). I lost weight, and his headaches are less frequent. Win. We're not crazy strict about it, but the general shift has helped us both.
ReplyDeleteESB, I know Echo Park is *miles* away from Sherman Oaks, but if you're willing to make the trek I'd strongly recommend my acupuncturist, Matt @ Golden Monkey Healing on Ventura Blvd.
ReplyDeleteHe's GENIUS.
Happy New Year!
Saw this post and was sooo excited for you to share the dark secrets to diy bang trimming. Instead I'm just so sad to hear you are getting those headaches. Gross.
ReplyDeleteHoping this is the year they go away.
Happy 2012 lady!
@Anon 9:94 SHIT I AM SO MEAN. i have to stop boring you guys with my headache crap. i will give you a how to trim your own bangs update, i promise.
ReplyDeleteI have rheumatoid arthritis that set in when I was 12, and spent my teens getting consistently misdiagnosed. Eventually I started seeing naturopaths and acupuncturusts, and not only did they do nothing for my health, they made me feel like shit, as though my illness was my fault.
You know what helped me? A rheumatologist, a physiotherapist and a clinical trial on the effects of weight lifting on arthritis. I'm still on medication, but that medication means I can use my hands and walk.
TL;DR: real medicine WORKS.
I trim my own bangs all the time, but ... I don't really give two and a half shits if they're perfect.
ReplyDeleteQuitting coffee and/or whiskey would give me raging headaches, but I like my vices.
And I'ma leave the med advice to someone with uh, experience and shit.
So since I'm insane, too -- have you heard of a book called "Crazy Sexy Diet"? It's about juicing ... and by the same author of "Crazy Sexy Cancer." This chick says she has basically cured herself of cancer by juicing and eating raw/vegan. Who knows if it might help with headaches, but it might be worth a shot! Happy New Year. :)
ReplyDeleteEver been to a headache center/clinic? I had NO idea those existed until recently. It's like a zillion doctors of all kinds clustered in one clinic working on your symptoms until THEY FIGURE THAT SHIT OUT. It is now my dream to go to one.
ReplyDeleteIf that doesn't work? I will probably want to jump off a bridge.
Maybe your bangs are connected to your headaches and if you learn how to trim them yourself you will reach some kind of zen state and your reward will be a pain-free head? It's worth a try.
@esb Nah. Headache updates are important. Most of us have some shit health problem that we have to deal with at one point or another. Remember- this is a full service site, right? Plus you get to slog through all the advice people have for you;) And yes please on the bang trim update. Xo anon9:49
ReplyDelete@Amy @Anon 9:49/11:26 man i love you guys
ReplyDeletehave you tried botox? it's like a migraine miracle for me even though i was against trying it in the beginning. might be worth a shot if your insurance covers it . . .
ReplyDelete@ESB did you really just get asked if you have tried botox? I'm confused/horrified.
ReplyDeletei know it sounds weird but botox can be great for getting rid of migraines. seriously.
ReplyDeleteI can never decide whether resolutions should be super vague or very specific. Such a tough call.
ReplyDeleteI am committed to letting a professional trim my bangs. It helps that my hair salon is nearly next door to my apt and my stylist doesn't charge for bang trims. I tip $5-10 each time and it's well worth it.
I won't even pretend to give you advice on the headaches, just sympathy. That blows.
@Rachel yeah, my stylist is in Bev Hills. so. yeah.
ReplyDeletei'ma email you about headaches.
ReplyDeleteI suffer the same cracked dream. It's kinda working, for now though...