Friday, May 6, 2011

BHLDN is pissing me off

Hey ESB,

I'm Allyson, your Lady X, and THANK YOU for the rings you pulled online on your site. We love the ruby red ring so much! Anyway, I appreciate your time, so mahalos.

So. Are you familiar with BHLDN? It's Anthro's sister-wedding site. They launched their decor line today. Did you know you can purchase a 20 ft garland for $1500? Or a paper bouquet for $224? Or a freaking cake topper for $598?

Who the hell do they think they are?! The mark-ups on these items are disgusting. Weddings are NOT financial blow-out opportunities for commercial conglomerates.


Actually, the press release I received was for BHLDN "décor." Perhaps that explains why they're charging roughly $5/paper petal?

(Photos courtesy of BHLDN; Layout by cevd, obv.)


  1. huh. once again, DIY does in fact save the world.

    1. well i bought alot om my wedding items from BHLDN and it cost more as i live in the UK but i wasnt forced to buy theyre product i just loved them and do not regret it! :)

  2. I've said this on other blogs, but I can't understand why everyone is SOOOO bent out of shape about this. Yes, most of their decor items are incredibly expensive. And if someone has a problem with it, then don't buy any!

    They're running a business and they're in it to make money. They're not *forcing* anyone to buy a $600 cake topper. They're just *offering* it.

    And it's not like they have a monopoly on wedding decorations. It's a free market - purchase your wedding shit wherever you want.

  3. Allyson, I feel ya. The word "wedding" attached to anything triples the price. And yes, like Stella says, we don't have to buy it. I am making all my wedding decorations myself, in fact. But it still pisses me off that people will pay stupid amounts of money for stuff because it's for their special day, and this (BHLDN) and other sites take advantage if it.

  4. Uh, $1500 for paper garland?

    Sorry but I'm laughing all the way to my florist (who will be preparing FRESH flowers for my wedding at a fraction of that price).

  5. LOL, Anthroplogie.

  6. I agree with Stella, I don't get all the BHLDN hate. Yes, most of their stuff is super over-priced, but not everything. For example, I love love love Bird & Banner, but I can't afford their custom designs and stationary for my wedding. Thanks to BHLDN...I can purchase a few cute Bird & Banner designs without breaking the bank. Are they customized to me? No. But they are totally the aesthetic I love.

    Plus, if BHLDN is anything like Anthropologie, they will eventually start having sales. And I'm telling you right now that the $598 cake topper will definitely end up in the sale section.

  7. SO glad someone has finally said this. I was really anticipating their bridal line and then it came out and I was nothing but completely underwhelmed. Now these "decor" items. I get it they cater to those of us that like that DIY look but geez, besides the fact that the prices are outrageous all those folks that like to DIY or know someone that does can do a whole lot better.

  8. Personally, I have no hatred for BHLDN. I understand that they are a business trying to make a profit from the products they sell and that no one from BHLDN is holding a gun to our heads and forcing us to buy their shit. My problem is the larger picture. With stores like these appearing more frequently and pushing their idea of what makes a good wedding all over the internet, it feeds the wedding industry's incessant need to make us feel like crap about our weddings. I can't afford a bunch of paper dots strung together on a wire to decorate my reception site? Well, crap, my wedding is going to suck. An extreme example, maybe. And maybe we should be stronger and have enough confidence to resist the forces out there that make us feel like we don't measure up, but hey, it's human nature. BHLDN is no worse and no better than any other company that marks their prices up beyond the realm of affordability. They, like their contemporaries, are simply adding to the insanity that has become the wedding industry. I don't condemn them more than any other company. Quite frankly, all those companies make me want to be sick.

  9. Y'all this isn't a HATE thing about bhldn at all--it's all about what Lara's talking about.

    I feel sick when an idea born out of thrifting (think--paper flowers) becomes popular, gets trended, and then has an attempt to resell an organic idea back to me at mondo the price.

    It's not just BHLDN. I know I don't have to shop there (thank God.) It IS offensive to be blatantly see a mark-up on an idea born out of need. Thanks, commercialism, for marking up my social/monetary demographic.

  10. ...How is this so different from Anthro itself (maybe just a more extreme version): cute stuff but wildly expensive? They're not in it for community service; corporations exist to make money.

  11. Just because they're in it for the money (duh, we know, we understand how corporations work and what they're there for) doesn't mean we can't be disgusted by them and the ideas they're encouraging in the world, does it? No.

  12. I've got to agree with Stella and Anon. I spent less than 200 on my wedding dress but I'm not going to get worked up about people who spent a thousand or more. It gets old when people make a big deal about the cost of good designs and handmade products, especially considering the fact that for a lot of their décor goods, you'll be buying things that support artists and craftsman in the US (and yes, Anthropologie & their parent company). For many people, this also gives them an opportunity to buy things designed by these artists at a lower cost. In terms of mark up, there probably is a big one, but then again, Ann Wood's (sold out) birds already go for 285. It isn't made to look DIY by somone in a factory overseas, she or one of her helpers are the makers.

    When you think about the time put into making the garland and bouquet it adds up! Try making it yourself and have it turn out half as decent. Hours. I made more simple paper flowers for my wedding and it took FOREVER. And in some cases like the paper garland, people can be easily be incorporated them into their house beyond the wedding day as a sweet reminder of their special day.

    This doesn't address the whole other issue of the pressure to feel make your wedding look good. I'm not going to ignore that it exists, but I've never left a wedding feeling like the decoration, florals, etc. made the wedding- sure they were nice, but way less important.

  13. Personally I'm not angry about it. I'm just grossed out.

  14. they just place those few outrageously expensive items on their site so we feel the lesser priced items are "a good deal"

  15. What the hell does BHLDN stand for anyway?
    Who cares what they charge? Just don't buy and stay away from the
    site if it bothers you so much. Good God.

  16. "Weddings are NOT financial blow-out opportunities for commercial conglomerates."

    HAHAHA. OH REALLY ???!?!?! This gave me the biggest LOL, which was awesome because my attitude's been in the toilet lately. THANK YOU, I NEEDED THAT !

    Word up with Stella. Some peeps have that kinda cabbage, and they can spend it how they want. AUTHENTICITY IS EXPENSIVE, YO !

    This is not a major injustice.

  17. Apologies for the explosive snark. The above comment reads nastier than I intended. Best wishes to the bride.

  18. I agree that if there's a customer willing to buy something like a $1500 paper garland, there's not necessarily a problem with a store tapping into that market, BUT... I still like to make fun of Anthropologie. Anthropologie makes people feel like they purchased an item from a French flea market or an obscure antique store in the countryside, and so they can charge a lot because the item feels special and unique instead of mass produced. But the reality is... you got it at the mall, just like someone who walked into any other store. No special story. Same thing with the wedding line - looks like you met with a designer in person to collaborate on hand-sewn details that express you as an individual, but you ordered it online along with thousands of others. I'd prefer to spend my money actually finding something that is special and unique - or save my money and actually go to a French flea market!

    Having said that, I should admit that my favorite pin skirt is from Anthropologie and I pranced through the mall after getting it on clearance for $30

  19. do a little research on anthro/bhldn/urbans owner. total commie.

    1. Please tell me you are not more bothered by Walmart & all the China-made shit..... Including tainted powdered milk that killed babies here & in China!!! Seriously, I don't get it!! If you have the money I am not offended what you do with it!! You earned it so spend it your way. I love Anthropolpgie & the sales are great!! Many unique things make nice gifts. I'm unemployed so I am selective these days but I sure wont be shopping @ Walmart!!

  20. I've been watching the prices at BHLDN too and I think it's simply ridiculous. True, no one HAS to buy it, but it doesn't make shopping for cute wedding stuff any easier on the budget minded bride.

  21. SOME, not ALL of the prices are jacked. i just ordered a shit ton of cute stuff for under 500 beans, the price comparable to anywhere else on the internets- and all in one easy place (i.e. only one shipping cost)

  22. Seriously people, I think a little CHILL is required. It is a shop. They are there to sell stuff. If they aren't hitting the market correctly, there offering will change over time, assuming they are well run and responsive to the market.

    There are plenty of people who want beautiful things for their special day, but don't have the time to make it themselves. Why should they therefore only have the option of crass ugly mass produced junk?

    I'm not quite sure why people are taking this so personally!

  23. Whaaaa? Anon above says the owner is a commie? From all the posts above it looks to me like they're a super successful capitalist! Anon, please explain yourself.

  24. There was this beautiful moonstone Katie Diamond necklace for sale at Catbird I had been eyeing for some time, and then I saw it on BHLDN for about $50 more than both Catbird and the artist herself was charging. WTF??? If a small store like Catbird doesn't mark up the price, why should BHLDN do it, since it's part of a much larger corporation? That really bugged me.

  25. Anyone who pays $600 for a cake topper deserves what they get.
