Friday, April 1, 2011


Did I say there'd be a new "If I were..................." for you today?

The mother of two I had lined up to write it totally bailed on me. BLAH BLAH freelance assignment, BLAH BLAH colicky baby.

She did offer me this:

If I could get married all over again, I’d get shitfaced and hire a babysitter for that night and the next day so she could watch my kids while I wallowed in a hangover and then got a full-body massage and drank some bloody marys. 

(Jessica Stam by Sølve Sundsbø via Ms. Mack via Laurel Thompson via SkinnyDipp)


  1. I guess no one else thinks this is funny.

  2. I actually think this is the best one yet...but then again I have 2 kids.

  3. EW. That's low-classy.

  4. Um, I think this is hilarious. Also, "ew" to using any form of the word "classy".

  5. Ditto. Way to put the "fool" in April Fool's, 6:52pm.
