Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Cleaning

You guys? I'm doing away with my crusty old blogroll.

It's been nagging at me for a while now. There are just too many blogs I dig for me to pick favorites, and ignoring the blogroll (I.E. never updating it) was not a solution.

PHEW. That felt good

Maybe I'll follow Chelsea's lead and start featuring the occasional blog of the week. Maybe.

p.s. Cevd is doing some actual spring cleaning. Anyone want a yudu?

(Another William Eggleston photo found here)


  1. Super catharsis, lady. I nearly floated away when I axed mine.

  2. I am a young and crustless blogger, and I take great pleasure in updating my sidebar and fussing with widgets. Which I am going to look back on with utter distain, if all goes well.

    Oh, also, if one were to enlarge the freezer photo, one would notice an abundance of beef pie. Which is excellent.

  3. @sixorange those are some pretty sweet widgets.

  4. I totally feel this, because I always feel like mine is messed up and incomplete and I never properly update it, so yeah. BUT I totally love other people's blogrolls for finding new reading, so I still wish you would have kept it. :)

  5. Aw, I liked your crusty old blogroll.

  6. Oh but how I wished to be on your hallowed roll one day. My life has no purpose now.

  7. @anna and the ring- hehe, that's the funniest thing I've read all day:0)

  8. how do you find these perfect photos for every post? (i'm constantly commenting on the photo and not the post, but seriously.)

  9. @ashley - i completely agree. how DOES she do it?! it is a skill i absolutely do not possess.

  10. dammit.
    i clicked through yours a bunch so i wouldnt hafta update MINE.

  11. you've inspired me to do a bit of spring cleaning myself... of the blogging persuasion that is.

    we still have a yudu that we have NEVER used. kiwi is obviously not as enamored with screen printing as he professed to be.

  12. p.s. i'm really going to miss your crusty old blogroll.

  13. I just set mine up to link directly from my Google Reader, so people can see what I'm reading. I do, however, have a "trial folder" on my Reader, so blogs I'm testing out don't show up. If I end up loving them, I eventually move them into the folders that let them show up on my sidebar. Easy peasy.

    And yes, I realize that this makes me sound a little obsessively organized about blog reading. I hadn't really realized how dorky the system is until I typed it all out. But dorky = efficient.

  14. Rachel, that is so DEMOCRATIC. and un-crusty.

  15. Dang. I wanted to graduate to the blogroll someday, too.

  16. i like rachel's system... but admit, sometimes it is fun to find yourself on someone's blogroll... but i feel your pain too-- mine is bugging me- some people i need to axe, and some i need to add...i see both sides here.

  17. I've been trimming back my blogroll - but I like Rachel's idea. There was a part of me that felt guilty by not reading some blogs on my list, but cutting them was a freeing feeling.
