Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm sorry, did you want a blog post?

All I've got is a big fat eff this. And I thought there was no way February wouldn't be an improvement on January.

But cevd is coming to town tomorrow, and she and I and the lovely Celia are taking a trip to the studio to meet Jen and Jamie, so that'll be fun. Unless it's not fun. Unless they all turn out to hate me and they say things like "you're much quieter than I expected" or "you're not as cool as I expected" or "are you sure you're ESB?" (Cevd has already met me, THANK GOD, so at least she knows what she's in for.)

Patti Smith via FFFFOUND!


  1. February is definitely worse than January in every way. Thankfully it's at least shorter.

    Your outing sounds awesome, though. Have fun! I am sure you are all as cool as expected.

  2. just so you know... i am the biggest bitch in real life. brace yourself.

  3. how funnnnnn!!!! the world might implode from so much concentrated awesomeness. we'll blame you guys.

  4. WHOT??? You guys are meeting up without me? Bitches.

    (ps, you and cevd and jamie really need to be coming to New York in april. Celia is and Meg is and you need to too. Mkay?)

  5. I'm sorry I said you were quieter.
    Well, only sort of sorry.

    But I said some other things too.

  6. february sucks and i really just want to get outta here.
    wish i could join you guys. have a blast !!!

  7. @Amanda don't worry. Meg said it first. VERY LOUDLY, if I remember correctly.

  8. @Celia
    Now I want to hang out. I also am a bitch, but not a mean way a funny/over the line way.

  9. @Meg well you know, i'm driving to sf tonight and we'll pretty much be neighbors in a few weeks...

    oh, and i'm just a mean bitch.

  10. pfffft. esb & cevd are bi-coastal. of course THEY will come.

    poor me and my non bi-coastal self.

    hm. maybe i could pull it off if i left ben at home? that would be so mean.

  11. Oh Jen and Jamie are the NICEST and who couldn't love ESB? I love you and I don't even know you.

  12. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. is it because I've been telling EVERYBODY to read your leggings are not pants post?
