Friday, April 17, 2009

Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere...

Fuck yes! I'm printing this out and tacking it over my desk.

Via Life in Lomo


  1. agreed...and i am certainly guilty of stealing blog content
    (sometimes yours)! now i won't feel so bad!

  2. I needed that. Thank you. And I now I plan to enjoy a weekend of thieving inspiration.

  3. very awesome.
    plus, jim jarmusch is pretty great, too.

  4. Good advice. If you set out trying in earnest to steal, you'll still come up with something original. This is from experience.

  5. thank you ruben! you would laugh your ass off if I told you what I was very earnestly stealing from.

  6. This is amazing! I think I'm going to steal it along with the rest of these folk.

  7. I'm stealing your mojo. Just for a bit. You can have it back Monday. If it's covered in wine droplets and Cheetos just look the other way.

    P.S. over my desk is a photo of Amy Sedaris's sweet ass and a raunchy Bukowski poem. I'm not trying to kid anyone- just keep myself on my toes.

    Like I said, Bukowski totally believes in marriage. If booze is involved. Yo'

  8. Ha. This is my desktop wallpaper...and I read through it every day to remind myself.

  9. Could alternately be titled "a blogger's mantra"! So true.
